The Minister of Environment and Water Mr. Neno Dimov and the Chief Commissioner Mr. Nikolay Nikolov signed an agreement aiming towards the optimization of the processes of prevention, preparedness and response to natural disasters. The project will be carried out by the Directorate-General for Fire Safety and Population Protection (GDBZN) - Ministry of the Interior and is fully funded by the OP "Environment 2014-2020". The investment is BGN 20 million and the project implementation period is 48 months.
The activities include the optimization of the processes related to natural disasters such as floods and landslides, as well as carrying out analyzes and assessments of the various risks. A proposal for a National Disaster Risk Management Plan is foreseen. It will take into account the potential impacts of climate changes.
The main activity of the project is to integrate the various local information systems, which support early warning and alerting for floods and landslides, into a common platform. It will provide timely and correct information to the responsible units and bodies of the executive authorities. This will improve the situation alanyls and reaction in the event of an impending flood, landslide or other natural disaster.