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A new technological system to enhance the safety of Bulgarian seaports was presented during the final press conference on Design and Construction of technical systems for risk prevention and security of the seaports /RPSSP/ on 21 June 2019. 

The event was held in the coastal centre for vessel traffic management and information services in Burgas, built under the Operational Programme Transport for the VTMIS project.

Over BGN 3 billion or nearly 84% of the financial resource under Operational Program "Transport and Transport Infrastructure"  2014-2020 is negotiated. This was stated by the head of the OPT Managing Authority Eng. Galina Vassileva at the meeting of the Program Monitoring Committee, which is taking place in the period 11-12 June in Rousse. She added that 33% of the program's budget was paid off.

Experts and practitioners from several European countries shared experiences and discussed ideas at a dedicated workshop on the evaluation of programmes funded by the European Structural and Investment Funds.

Three key railway stations will be modernized with funds under Transport and Transport Infrastructure 2014-2020 Operational Program (OPTTI). The project for reconstruction of the stations Poduyane, Iskar and Kazitchene was approved at the total amount of 7.4 million leva, 6.6 million of them being grants.

The waiting areas and adjacent platforms will be refurbished, the construction state of buildings will be improved, energy efficiency systems, as well as modern information and announcement equipment, will be deployed, and green areas will be rehabilitated.

Next year will be crucial for the implementation of large projects financed under OP Transport and Transport Infrastructure, stated the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Rossen Jeliazkov, at the 10th session of the OP Monitoring committee, 29-30.11.2018 in the town of Pravets.

The European Commission allocated 293 million euros for the modernization of the railway line between the cities of Plovdiv and Bourgas. The rehabilitation of the 293-kilometer section, which was initiated in the past programing period under Op Transport 2007 – 2013, will be completed with the funding.

At the end of 2017 the Sofia Metro Extension Projecthas been ranked among the Top 10 most successful infrastructure projects, co-funded by the European union. Since then it has often been given as a good example at different events and forums.

In the next few months we will define the scope of the projects in the transport sector, which will be implemented in the period 2021-2027. This was announced by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rosen Zhelyazkov during an international conference "European Solidarity in EU Investment Policy". The event is organized by the Regional Development Committee of the European Parliament and the Chamber of Builders in Bulgaria.

86% of the modernization of the railway section Skutare - Orizovo is completed. This was stated by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov at the time of the project inspection. The 26-kilometer stretch between Skutare and Orizovo will be completed early next year, the minister added.